By theuglyfriend - 17/07/2012 06:09 - United States - Riverbank

Today, I went to a coffee shop with my friend. The guy rang her up and said it was only a dollar as he winked at her $10 purchase. Then he rang me up at completely full price. She got his number and I got to be the ugly friend once again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 717
You deserved it 3 718

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iliketomoveit123 10

You don't need a guy who works at a coffee shop anyway. You probably deserve better.

You gotta stop comparing yourself to your friend or you'll never be happy.


So find an even uglier friend to go around town with you so you look prettier... Duh, problem solved lol...

xXxIracebethxXx 14

You are shallow. Joke or no joke. **** off.

Hmm. A judgement of character based off one comment. What a surprise here on FML..

thiscrazything 1
honestyslife 9

May be shallow, but its soooo true! At least you can say what everyone else was too afraid to say.

saralily 9

Story of my life. Sorry that happened, OP. You can do better.

22- I find that hard to believe, you look pretty attractive to me. And even our age difference aside, don't take my comment the wrong way: I'm married and not hitting on you. Just wanted to say something nice. You're really not ugly, you know. :P

unknown_user5566 26

Draco, I agree with you on this one. 22, confidence can do some amazing things for you. If you have encountered situations like this before, it may simply be because of how you present yourself due to your own perceptions. When I was in 9th grade, I had no self confidence, and as a result received very little attention from guys. In 10th/11th grade I began to realize that I wasn't so bad, and gained confidence. With confidence comes beauty, m'dear.

Maybe she just smiles more and looks happy, whereas you look sultry, snobbish and uninviting?

For the record, if you're using the word "sultry" to describe a girl, it's a good thing.

Na, I meant sultry in that I prefer the beautiful girl next door look compared to the sultry 'model' look. Just because one guy liked her doesn't mean every guy prefers her to you.

Madden12 6

Who explains themselves on a new comment on this site because they were misunderstood? Got a few dislikes on this one.. let me get another one started...

GovernorGeneral 8

Everyone's a loser. Alright? Happy ending.

GovernorGeneral 8

Lol this comment was a reply to someone else's...

Aw you're not the ugly friend OP. Every guy has a different taste in women. Though that was kinda douche-y of him to do, especially at work. I hope he got in trouble for that.

neda389 0

what the heck is wrong with people just shut up with the drama...its fml site for God sake.

42- I looked at your photo and said "EWWW" just putting my opinion like the rest of you FML little ****'s :-)

dlcj22 11

I agree it's fml it's sad how the majority of people that commentted on my post are Problably dudes anyway

neda389 0

you dont even have a just shut up...drama bullshitters like you that ruin society and apps

xXxIracebethxXx 14

#53 - Judging by the number of comments you've made, you're fairly new. How about you sit back, and just shut up. Btw, like you said before, this is FML not a dating site. So take off your photo that looks like it came from a **** site because no one here is going to care how disgustingly ripped you are. You're more of a douche than the barista in the FML. #56 - Chill. Obviously #49 lacks self-confidence, so they decided to bash on your pic. You're actually really pretty.

neda389 0

lol that dude wasnt even talking about me but still...i had to say it. ok now peace fml people lol

neda389 0

aww thanks 59. people just need to calm down. lol this fml story turned into hell haha

xXxIracebethxXx 14

#64 - You're welcome(: LOL, I totally agree. Next thing you know, over half the comments will be modded and gone!

dlcj22 11

so your over here bashing on other people to make yourself feel better your sad and pathetic. Have you looked at yourself lately. Your horribly ugly i mean im just saying. Your just mad cause you cant even get a decent looking man if you tried wear a little less eye liner maybe people would think your normal

The friend would probably get upset and think OP was making a big deal out of an essentially trivial event if she had done that. However, if Mr. Hotshot there pulls this kind of move a lot, that is grounds enough for him to get canned.

Aww, don't be upset about something like this! Just think of it this way - you're missing out on the opportunity to shag a shallow, probably douchy guy, who will likely always work menial jobs like serving coffee to others. Damn, what a bummer :P

metallica6694 3