By MerryChristmas - 15/07/2018 14:30 - United States - Moore

Today, I went to a Christmas-themed amusement park with my 21-year-old autistic sister who adores Christmas. She took her picture with Santa and started crying happy tears. Then Santa asked her loudly, "Aren't you beyond old enough to know I'm not real?" Vacation ruined. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 738
You deserved it 441

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a jerk. Did it not occur to him that there are adults with developmental disabilities who might like Santa?

He broke character?!?!?! I’m sure he went on to talk about Fight Club...


tell her that he’s right! the real santa is too busy making toys for everyone and he had to send a replacement, and that he wouldn’t want her to be sad about it

Justine Malang 16

Wow. That Santa is slow in the head.

tounces7 27

Was this at Santa's Workshop?

More like vacation refunded! No, seriously I'd be yelling at management until they refunded what I spent on this vacation..

What the hell do you mean Santa isn’t real? Then who the hell has eating my cookies for the past 20 years?

Says the guy in the strange red suit who has thousands of kids come sit on his lap

I hope you talked to his manager and had him fired... I mean damn at Disney if you even cant sign the name properly they fire your ass

I feel a bit conflicted about this one. Obviously the person at the theme park should not have broken character and disappointed a developmentally handicapped person even if they are 21. On the other hand a child of 6 years old generally learns the truth about Santa, the Easter Bunny, etc. I would think even a developmentally handicapped person of 21 should be at least as informed as a 6 year old. I do not believe that it is wise to prolong these childhood fantasies for a variety or reasons - The most pressing reason is that a child needs to trust and believe their parents will tell them the truth. There is a difference between protecting a child from reasonable harm and over-sheltering them from learning about the world. I am not without sympathy- my (adopted) son had learning disabilities and ADD. It was not easy raising him, but truthfully his disabilities were not as severe as what you are describing. So I have no walked in OP’s shoes.

indienerdgirl 27

So I can see where you're coming from and I get your point. But not all kids learn that Santa isn't real by 6. And yeah I get your point about them relying on their parents for what's true and not. So basically I agree for the most part but being severely disabled as OPs sister sound she does have to rely on her parents and older sister to understand things and make the right choices. But with kids who aren't as severe as her yeah I get your point. (also if this makes no sense I'm on my phone and can't read your comment while I reply so sorry in advance for anything that went over my head lol) 😄

That's definitely worth writing a letter to that jerks manager.

Alternate FML "Today I had to take Santa out back and beat him like a red headed stepchild"