By Sam - 04/03/2010 15:51 - United States

Today, I went out to eat with a group of couples and my boyfriend. All my friends boyfriends paid for them. Mine didn't, and said that I should order off the diet menu. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 962
You deserved it 5 634

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why should he pay for you? Do you switch off paying? Do you not have a job? He was wrong in calling you fat, but you were wrong expecting him to pay for you.

boatkicker 4

He doesn't have to pay for you, and unless he said he would, you shouldn't expect him to. But if he's not paying for you, then he doesn't get to decide what you eat. And it's certainly never polite to tell someone they should be on a diet.


ok 56 you're stupid, and OP drop his ass. If he's told you that you guys should work out together or that maybe you should eat a little less junk food just to be healthier or something like that you know, something that's not that offensive, many times, well then maybe you needed that to realize that now you should take care of yourself. So what I'm saying is that if he's been nice for a while about it and that you're just on a "trip de bouffe" like we say here and that you've gained weight like crazy lately, then do something about it. Anyway, saying that (if said in front of everybody) isn't nice and a little douchy

this is easy, he doesn't like you or care about you, dump his sorry ass and find someone who cares for you!

melsababe 0

ya I wudnt b with a cheap asshole like that.

The problem with not telling people their fat is that they continue to get fatter. Which is immoral and disgusting. I hate fat people.

YDI. The problem with not telling people they need to lose some weight is that they continue to gain it. Which is immoral unhealthy and disgusting!

Being fat is immoral? It's a shame that weight is more offensive to you than attitude. Just the way you think and your high level of douchebaggery is the biggest turn off I've ever seen.

Anonnamus 0

Dump his ass. You're in for a lifetime of mental abuse if you stay with him. A guy I dated used to drop hints that I needed to hit the gym when I gained a few pounds and went up to a size 5. Believe me, he'll destroy your self-esteem. Get away from the cheap insecure bastard.

fat people should be told that their fat so that they lose weight. if someones annoying you, you tell them to stop and they usually do. same thing here. at idkweird, if being called fat made you eat more, social Darwinism says you don't learn from the past and thus shouldn't exist.

maybe the op hasn't been w/ her boyfriend as long as her friends and their guys..... maybe all of her friends have had more time to properly train their men.... just think of the night as productive, as now you have two new subjects to train this idiot on..... chivalry and manners. OP: guys are supposed to pay.... i would've told him to **** himself... if you have to pay, you certainly can order any thing you want.. you should've said.. 'well, since i'm paying, I'll get what i want and you can order from the kid's menu... how's that? ********.'....... or just commented in front of everyone how nice the other guys were. simply saying "you are all really great sweet... you girls are very lucky" ..... then look at your guy disgustedly. Weight should not be a couple's issue.... that's a person issue.. if it is an issue with your partner, then you need to find a new one. ;)

"Guys are supposed to pay" - WTF? You're one of those girls who thinks that she deserves to be spoiled solely because you're female, aren't you? Can you honestly not support yourself? I agree that it's nice for the guy to pay sometimes when he offers, but I offer to pay just as many times too. It's not fair to force someone to pay for your shit. Take your head out your ass, and stop being a spoiled bitch.

Guys are not supposed to pay. That's a very sexist and antiquated thing to say.

comrade500 0

YDI, should've brought your own wallet