By Sam - 04/03/2010 15:51 - United States

Today, I went out to eat with a group of couples and my boyfriend. All my friends boyfriends paid for them. Mine didn't, and said that I should order off the diet menu. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 962
You deserved it 5 634

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why should he pay for you? Do you switch off paying? Do you not have a job? He was wrong in calling you fat, but you were wrong expecting him to pay for you.

boatkicker 4

He doesn't have to pay for you, and unless he said he would, you shouldn't expect him to. But if he's not paying for you, then he doesn't get to decide what you eat. And it's certainly never polite to tell someone they should be on a diet.


jahwn 12

YDI for expecting him to pay, but FYL for him being a dick about your weight.

I know what you are going through. My boyfriend always wants to go out to the movies and things but he never pays for me and I am broke but how do you have a conversation like that?

Would you pay for him if HE was broke? Just an honest question. If the answer is no, then don't expect him to either.

justkeepinitreal 0

Why would you stick with someone who calls you a fatty? Sorry, but if you continue to put up with the insults, well your just asking for it really. You're his little bitch.

I get that what he said was insensitive, but complaining about him not paying for you is just shallow and selfish. I'd say that evens out into a YDI.