By firstdategoals - 08/06/2015 03:35 - United States

Today, I went on my very first date. We went out to eat dinner and everything went great! Afterwards, I went to drop him back off at his house. I backed out of his driveway and got stuck in a ditch. His dad had to come out and tow me out. So that's how I met my boyfriend's parents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 165
You deserved it 3 855

Same thing different taste


He should have picked YOU up. What happened to chivalry? And if he doesn't have a car I hope he has plans to get one and be a provider.

Jwaye2 7

The fact that you believe a guy must have a car to be worthy of dating you is rediculous. By that i would assume that no matter how perfect a guy is for you, you would refuse to date him simply because he doesnt own a car? For all we know OP could be slightly older than the guy and therefor has a license before him, Or she could be from a more well off family and was able to buy a car before the guy. Get over yourself.

62- That's ridiculous. My boyfriend doesn't have a car at the moment, and I'm fine with driving him places. It's not an issue at all. Why should the guy always have to be the one doing the driving and the 'providing'? If that's how you and your partner like it then fine, but don't push that belief onto everyone else. And, as a woman, I'm personally hoping that I won't need a 'provider' when I'm older. I think I can take care of myself, thank you very much. Being a woman doesn't make you incapable, and being a man doesn't mean you have to be the one to do all the work in a relationship.

Jwaye2 7

Half these comments say the same thing. "how can he be your boyfriend after one date". There are many reasons. They could have been seeing each other for some time before going on an actual date, OP said the date went well so they could have decided then on the date that it was official, they could have spoken later after the incident and decided then and she posted the FML in the morning. Stop being to quick to judge people.

it could've been worse, you could have got one of their cars.

I met my girlfriends dad by going to the E.R because I got hit by a car! He was the one helping stitch me up.

crackajak 15

YDI for the lack of driving skills.

Hey my x backed into my car that's how I met her parents because they paid for my damages, nice one OP

that's another way to meet the parents