By Tiffosaur - 04/01/2013 06:12 - United States

Today, I went on a blind date. As soon as my date saw me walking towards him, he checked his watch and said, "Oops, wrong place." Then walked right past me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 996
You deserved it 2 645

Same thing different taste

Top comments

On the bright side, you were spared the horror of dating a douchebag.

A watch that tell you where to be... I need one of these.


perdix 29

That sucks! A true gentleman would have muscled through the meal and made himself available for a pity **** before departing for good. Where are the good men these days!?

Well, that wasn't a very nice move, but at least you were spared having to spend time with someone who isn't and never will be interested in you. Sure it would have been nicer if he'd gone through the charade of an hour or so for a drink or something and then given you a brush-off line, but in the end, the only waste was putting on makeup and going to meet the guy.

Everyone is assuming a lot here ... It was a blind date right? She could be mistaken he might have been the wrong person her date might not have been there and he was just responding to a girl he wasn't interested in giving him a strange look and walking up to him. If she knew for sure it's because she had seen a picture I feel if they traded pics then he wouldn't have pulled the stunt unless hers was misleading perhaps or that she had seen a picture but hadn't shown him one... If that's the case it's a YDI for wanting to screen his looks and getting mad because he did the same.

That's true but maybe they had a specific meeting place or they told each other what they would be wearing?

chrisp87 11

I'm really sorry to hear that, but look on the bright side he just did you a really big favor.

What a jerk! Best to learn that early.

How did you know it was him if it was a blind date?

Sorry OP. Sounds like you dodged a bullet though. That guy seems like a douche.

onorexveritas 23

you don't want someone like that anyways