By HellaBomber91 - 11/02/2010 20:15 - United States

Today, I went in to a job interview with 6 other girls my age. I tried to sit down on a chair exactly like the ones every other girl was sitting on. Then, one of the interviewers offered to get me a more "sturdy" chair. For the entire interview, I got to sit in the "fat girl chair". FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 655
You deserved it 8 904

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Sounds like a really interesting psychology experiment....

That really sucks, but maybe you should learn from this and start exersizing a little. I'm NOT trying to be rude-I really hope you get the job, but maybe you should see wut else you can do in the mean time.

blingblingbling 0

YDI loose some weight fat bitch!

Kimi_kobayashi 0

She can lose weight, it's too bad you can't get a new personality, you mean bitch. Judging by your username "blingblingbling" - not only are you an awful person, you are tacky too! what a lovely combination ;]

IDKWhatHappened 0

it's lose, not loose, dumbass. *shakes head @ all the retardation these days*

perdix 29

Maybe you should eat one of the skinny girls and take her chair.

Ajjas013 6

lol #51 win ftw and why is it that just because shes fat shes a bitch? god knows there are plenty of skinny bitches, and being fat does not automatically qualify you as a bitch.

AngryNinja 1

nahh, but it helps. extremely skinny girl are busy choking on their own stomach acid, making them bitchy, while fat girls are hating on skinny girls, making them bitchy. i'm just a bitch for the hell of it. ^.^

haha nice. and while im not saying theres anything good about being fat, cuz theres hundreds of things being skinny makes better/easier/more fun =), cut them some slack they have feelings too! and no i am not fat.

facingforeverr 0

you shoulda slapped that bitch in her face then walked your fatass outta there.

chenoko 0

can't believe no one has thought of this yet, but maybe the interviewer simply knew the particular chair you were sitting on was broken, wanted to cover his/her ass against getting sued, and phrased it badly

Sun_Kissed18 25

Even if that is so, the OP obviously has some insecurities to work through

the world has insecurities to work through. and to all the shallow bitches that think her getting skinnier, if she even needs to, will improve her life, stfu. throw all the statistics you want at it, you can be happy no matter what, and there sure are a lot of unhappy skinny people! (end rant)

"there sure are a lot of unhappy skinny people!" Isn't that true. I took some people advice a few months ago and got on a damn treadmill to lose some weight and if anything, I'm more insecure than I was 25 lbs ago. Now I have to worry about gaining weight back. Before I just ate the damn big mac and enjoyed it.

bella2011 0

your fault for being fat, you fuckig fat ass. stop eating

maybe they meant the chair you were sitting on was a little broken and didn't want to cause you embarrassment in the interview.