By fisherman - 23/01/2010 10:12 - United States

Today, I went fishing with friends looking to catch big redfish. During the trip, one of the men caught a 50 pound monster which I put away. At the end of the trip they wanted to take a picture with it. I went to wash off the fish in the water. Apparently the fish wasn't dead and swam away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 934
You deserved it 35 229

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I fish for redfish commercially, and I know that they may appear dead for hours however some still stay alive. they are tough bastards, and they are freakin sharp

Tromboneguy29 0

Just a fish? Have you ever caught a 50 pound redfish? That's definently a big deal. But anyway, you shouldv made sure it was dead. FYL


My question is, why would you wash it off to take a picture with it. It's just a fish, you don't clean it till you're about to cook it >.>

lennon_ 16

fish are friends not food!