By B_and_W - 21/11/2013 11:35 - France

Today, I watched a little girl laugh while giving bread to some pigeons at a bus stop. A bus then arrived. All the pigeons moved out of the away, except one. Its head got crushed by a wheel, and some blood splattered onto the little girl's shoes, who then screamed. With laughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 527
You deserved it 30

Top comments

\ 28

That child may very well be the Demon Seed.

zahra_786 19

At least she won't be scarred for life. Heartless child haha.


That's very disturbing! For you also to have witnessed it

rogwest 23

How is this an fml? Seems rather funny to me, an proof natural selection does work...

I feel like this would make an awesome Cyanide & Happiness comic.

dat_becky 17

After the bird died, the next little blip would be a close-up of tears on the little girls face, then they would zoom out and show that she's hysterically laughing causing tears to come out O.O

That's the makings of a future psychopath.

She probably doesn't realize what happened. She was probably laughing from them flying away. Or she thought it was playing.

redblueflame 23

She is one of the Children of the corn! What a creepy lil child