By B_and_W - 21/11/2013 11:35 - France

Today, I watched a little girl laugh while giving bread to some pigeons at a bus stop. A bus then arrived. All the pigeons moved out of the away, except one. Its head got crushed by a wheel, and some blood splattered onto the little girl's shoes, who then screamed. With laughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 527
You deserved it 30

Top comments

\ 28

That child may very well be the Demon Seed.

zahra_786 19

At least she won't be scarred for life. Heartless child haha.


Say your a doctor and search her head for the 999

999??? That is not the number of the beast.

she probably drugged one piece of bread and played a 'game' to see which one got It. poor bird :(

skyeyez9 24

For A second I thought this read "a little girl was giving head to some pigeons."

Why is this a FML? How does that make your life shit?

I'm guessing 3) is the biggest indicator there

That kid neither her parents would ever know how much effort FML readers (a lot of people) have put into her laughing about a little birdie getting flattened !