By Mark - 30/03/2009 07:06 - United States

Today, I was working out at the gym doing squats. There was a girl there that I wanted to impress so I loaded up the bar with a lot of weight and began to do my squat. As I was going down I farted so loud that I began to laugh and fell backwards. Everyone in the room just stared at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 446
You deserved it 74 933

Same thing different taste

Top comments

at least you didn't shit your pants.

no one laughed? man, i think i would have been on the floor with you cracking up.


jellybean91 12

that's totally a win, even if you don't get the girl, that's effing hysterical!!

hey, if I was the girl, I'd be a little disgusted at first but would probably laugh too lol but atleast YOU laughed. if you can't laugh at yourself who can?

hahahahahahahahaha that's actually hilarious, I doubt it's true, but epic fml

AHHAHHAAAHAHA!!did she get impressef

bellzy 0

sorry to laugh at your expense, but that is the funniest fml I've read so far. she should still date you for your humor

Late_night83 25

hahaha!!!! funny ass shit!!!!!