By EpicFailAtItsFinest - 13/04/2009 02:49 - United States

Today, I was working as a lifeguard. A woman began to have a seizure. Nervous, I went into shock and walked into a tree, knocking myself out. Post seizure, the woman stood up and walked away. Later, I woke up in the hospital. The ambulance had arrived to take her, but ended up taking me instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 505
You deserved it 19 519

Same thing different taste

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"Today, I had a seizure. I thought the lifeguard would save me but turns out they managed to knock themself out because they panicked. The ambulance took them to hospital, forgetting about me. FML" Poor woman.


As a lifeguard, should you not be trained to keep calm during situations like this?

FML213546 7

That sucks hope you feel better

I think it's safe to say that the shock, which was an actual medical condition, is not a normal occurance. It's okay, OP.

If this is true, I don't think being a life guard is the job for you.