By Sally256 - 03/05/2009 15:53 - United States

Today, I was with my kids. We saw a tiny little bug and they started freaking out. Trying to show them that bugs are not scary, I picked it up. It bit me and now I have to go to the doctor because my hand is the size of a balloon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 649
You deserved it 27 015

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What bug was it? I mean if it looked dangerous you should've known but if you thought it was a ladybug or something harmless, then that's just bad luck.

Next time listen to your kids. I hate bugs except for ladybugs, butterflies, and caterpillars.


The irony is just absolutely hilarious. And #20, it is not Karma related at all.

kneegrow143 0

#13 needs to go back to high school biology. "True Bugs" or "hemiptera" are an order of the class "insecta" which are within the phylum of "arthropoda." Spiders or "araneae" are an order of the class "chelicerata" which are also within the phylum of "arthropoda." So, saying spiders are bugs is wrong in every possible way.

Don't pet dogs you don't know, don't pick up bugs you're not sure about.

Julle_fml 0

So your hand swells up to the size of a ballon, but before going to the doctor, you submit the story to :P

lotlux29 0

you definitely deserved that one, but your life is still f*cked.

robbietherabbit 0

lol everyone, "bug" isn't a technical term