By kel - 08/11/2013 23:50 - United Kingdom - Coventry

Today, I was watching some episodes of The Walking Dead with my boyfriend, after recently introducing him to the series. A scene involving Carl came on, and my boyfriend said, "God damn. You ever give me a kid that annoying, I'll shoot both of ya right in the head." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 955
You deserved it 7 472

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The good thing about having a kid like Carl is that he'll never stay in the ******* house.


he sounds lovely......deffo the man to settle down with

bayliebug 14

I don't really understand... I've watched every episode available on Netflix and I have never been annoyed by Carl's character. I kind of like him. Someone give me examples of his annoying-ness, please?

Seriously you gotta ask? I'm so not going to count the ways that aggravating little numbnuts annoys the crap out of me and countless of other viewers.

A guy who hates Carl is a keeper in my book. That kid pissed me off from the first moment I saw him on the series.

radioedit 7

Lmao! I'm sure he was only joking. Wasn't he?

You sir should not be allowed to comment in a FML thread again. Rant rant rant whine.

misszombiexx 10

I think that's a reasonable statement. Carl's a little douche.