By gymbob - 06/05/2009 11:36 - United States

Today, I was walking on the track when this really cute guy shows up. I was hot and sweaty, and wanted to impress him by pouring water on myself. Instead of being turned on, all he saw was me wiping my face on my shirt screaming. It wasn't water, I forgot I had brought Sprite. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 768
You deserved it 103 404

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for bringing pop to drink when you work out period.

why would you drink sprite when you're supposed to be exercising?


Lmao YDI. And why would you cry after pouring sprite on yourself? Did you leave your eyes open or something? Rofl.

lyndis_fml 0

Not a judgmental prude? You seem to be judging the heck out of me, but if you say you're not, I'll take your word for it. The OP did deserve it, and the FML creators clearly thought that was a possibility-- hence the "YDI" button. If you're saying that I'm a bad person for disagreeing with your opinion that's fine. I don't have to think you're right about that, either.

Again, just going to point out you actually addressed me first calling me sad for thinking it's fine to want to impress someone. If it can even be called judging you, I'm judging you on the fact you want to criticize others. I'm merely pointing out there's nothing wrong with trying to impress someone. That's why there's a billion dollar make up industry. That's a fact, so I'm going to stick with that, and you can keep preaching your opinions about how you think the OP should behave. Wanna stop checking out my profile btw?

deaditegirl 0

#73: "Hope you don't ever wear make up then 66, because that would make you a pretty massive hypocrite. =)" There's a difference between wearing makeup and pouring Sprite all over yourself. Most people like to look nice or feel good about themselves for whatever reason. That's not at all the same thing as going out of your way to do some stupid action to impress one specific person.

It's not that hot to get water on you unless you're wearing a white shirt and no bra.

81 - People wear make up to impress. The OP stated her actions were made with the intention of impressing, and the end result of it being Sprite, obviously not intentional. So no, not really a huge difference. Also, good point 78. =)

barty5858 0

To all the people insulting her for getting sweaty while walking, think about it this way: Summer is just around the corner, and down South it is getting very hot. I live in Florida, and nowadays the walk from my front door to my car makes me perspire a bit. When I step into my car, I can usually feel a little trickle of sweat roll down my armpit. And this is coming from someone who has lived here all his life, working out in the sun, whether it be putting up hurricane shutters or mowing lawns. You just can't get used to this weather to the point of not sweating when you take a walk. Also, maybe she had just finished running laps around the track, and was walking to cool off. So yeah, she deserves it for going out of her way to impress this guy, and drinking soda while exercising is counter productive, but you shouldn't jump down her throat before considering the possibilities.

Sometimes you just forget things like that when you see a cute guy. Haha thats must have been intresting to watch though!