By gymbob - 06/05/2009 11:36 - United States

Today, I was walking on the track when this really cute guy shows up. I was hot and sweaty, and wanted to impress him by pouring water on myself. Instead of being turned on, all he saw was me wiping my face on my shirt screaming. It wasn't water, I forgot I had brought Sprite. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 768
You deserved it 103 404

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for bringing pop to drink when you work out period.

why would you drink sprite when you're supposed to be exercising?


But mobius, YOU said that it was a dumb way to try to impress someone. Are you more qualified than I am?

I don't smoke, and when I drink it has nothing to do with how others see me. It has more to do with how I see others. I might even think you weren't bad if I've had enough to drink, even without all your face paint on. And once again, seeing as reading comprehension is clearly a failing of yours, it still wouldn't make me a hypocrite seeing as I'm not the one saying there's anything wrong with trying to impress others. You don't see your own face so there's no reason to wear make up just for yourself, so I'm sorry, but I simply don't by your very weak excuse of "I wear make up for MYSELF" and I doubt you do either. Her intention was to pour water on herself, not soda, and as a guy I can tell you that is actually a lot more appealing than inch thick face paint, and other guys in the thread have said the same. If you feel the need to reply again, could you please go look up the definition of hypocrisy first please? It's a little boring having to explain why, regardless of whether I wear make up or do anything else to impress others, it still wouldn't be considered hypocrisy.

rihannalover 0

why would pouring water on yourself impress him...YDI

I did say that, ohnoitslindsey. What's your point? Just because it's not the best "way" to impress someone, doesn't mean I was implying in any way it was wrong to try and impress. And yeah. I probably am more qualified than you.

actually, i just took your advice, and yes, one ingredient in my preferred make-up has been tested for carcinogens. and guess what? it came out negative. so, no, there are no carcinogens in the "paint" i use daily, so maybe you should stop acting like you know anything about products you don't even use. you know, you realize that by following your logic, it would make no sense to paint on a canvas unless you felt the need to stare at the canvas all day? there have already been a couple of us actual make-up users here to tell you we do not use it to "impress" others. and honestly, if you were to take this completely rationally, wouldn't you believe someone who uses the stuff over someone who admittedly never has? and sure i'm in a position to judge others. everyone is. it's human nature.

hypocrite: 1 : a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion 2 : a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings "Was kind of a dumb way to try and impress them though" - mobius, #25 "you're in no position to judge what other people do to impress a guy they like." - mobius, #136 Sounds pretty contradictory to me. If your point is really that people shouldn't be judging the OP for going to extreme measures to sexually tempt a man, then I can respect that. But perhaps you should be a little more consistent with your message, rather than trying to attack people who wear concealer.

RiChY_BaBy08 0

hah!!!! so girls really do do things like that to get our attention.. and why would you be drinking sprite while on the track? and i'm sure somebody else said that

theanonimouse - I very much doubt you looked up every ingredient in your cosmetics in that amount of time. And it's not a simple test. It's not like things come up "positive" or "negative" for being cancer causing. It's usually ongoing studies, and some of the chemicals that are under the biggest suspicion of being carcinogenic are in most cosmetics. I'm pretty sure you'll use laureth in at least one product. Trichlorsan too. Probably dimeticon. Those are just the ones that are almost certainly carcinogenic. Probably at least half of the other ingredients are still being studied. Stare at it all day, no. But look at it at least once. How often do you look at your face just to see the pleasing "colours" you've put on that are totally not to impress others? Would you paint a picture, put it somewhere you can't see it, then wash all the paint off the canvas at the end of the day? One other person has said they use make up for themselves, and seeing as they were also criticizing another's attempt to impress, it's not likely they'd admit it wasn't is it? At any rate, you said it was to "please", and decided your dictionary definition was pretty solid evidence to back this up. Why ignore the fact the same dictionary lists cosmetics as something to "enhance appearance to impress"? Is your source only valid when it suits you? I don't know about it being human nature to judge others. It's certainly not a very nice nature if that's true. What is definitely human nature is to try and impress the opposite sex, and is natural with most animals also.

Retard. Sprite is fatty and suggary.