By ellie - 23/11/2009 18:09 - United States

Today, I was walking on the boardwalk with my mom when an old man came up and asked me to marry him. He promised he would buy me a Mercedes if I did. The man was homeless and delusional. My mom told me I should take the offer because it would be the best offer I could get. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 759
You deserved it 3 214

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mother probably was just mad cause her best friend probably screwed her boyfriend at prom night


Either your mom has poor taste in humour or she's a creep. ㄟ㋛ㄏ

mother probably was just mad cause her best friend probably screwed her boyfriend at prom night

how can you live in arizona and be at a boardwalk? fake

Mercades!? Your crazy I would of said yes then choped him.

Hmmm FHL for having a crippling illness in a society that systematically kills off its weakest!

jts2 3

Oh, my god! My mother jokes with me! *hangs self*

YDI for being so pathetic even your mom knows it.

hey, marrying an old man for money worked for Anna Nicole Smith