By cutsiecurliee - 05/11/2015 19:21 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I was walking my dog when I saw a man trying to get a screaming little girl into a van. I called 911 and ran over yelling at him. His wife then got out of the van and explained the girl was their daughter and they were just trying to make her go to school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 549
You deserved it 4 271

cutsiecurliee tells us more.

cutsiecurliee 21

Hey guys OP here! I asked the little girl if that was her parents and she nodded but 911 told me they were still sending an officer to be 100% sure that everything was accurate. The parents completely understood and were totally fine because they were glad I cared and took action. :)

Top comments

It was an honest mistake op. It's nice that you decided to take action instead of be a bystander! We need more people like you:)

Thank you for actually doing something to try to help rather than just take a video to post on YouTube later.


ElmoSP3 14
avatar0810 15

Better safe than sorry. You did what a lot of people wouldn't have the nerve to do so you should be very proud of that.

In all honesty, I respect your instinct to expect the worst. Sure, it's embarrassing; but if you had assumed that it was their daughter, and it actually was a rape situation, it could've gone far worse. Props to you, OP!

At least you did the admirable thing and did what you thought was right, and I bet that little girl was grateful for the distraction either way

either way, good for you!!! Faith slowly restoring in society.

OP, honestly it is better safe than sorry because what if those people really weren't her parents and next thing you would see is and Amber Alert. What you did was technically the right think to do.

cutsiecurliee 21

my name actually is Amber lol :) I'm the OP haha

well it might have been awkward for you and them, but at least your heart was in the right place. nowadays you can never be to sure.

Congrats to op for not standing by and taking action. Regardless of outcome what u did was brave and right.

luciorossari 8

Better to call a false alarm than to miss an actual emergency