By Anonymous - 29/07/2013 19:07 - United States

Today, I was walking home from the store when I saw my uncle. I went over and gave him a surprise hug. He grabbed my ass. He wasn't really my uncle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 573
You deserved it 21 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Probably should have just said hi like a normal person.

In the chap's defence, she did pounce on him and invade his personal space first!


Did he grab your ass so hard you cried Uncle?

firstbasemaster 15

This sounds like one of those "should've gone to specsavers" ads...

I don't get why people do that, there's a very big chance it's not who you think it is, so take a minute and look at them.

At least it wasn't your uncle grabbing your ass :/

that might be awkward when you see your real uncle :/

Fyl for mistaking your uncle for the biggest creep ever...i mistake people for friends all the time but if any of them grabbed my ass id be scarred:|

Hey, at least it wasn't your uncle cause that would've been awkward for him to do that.

SystemofaBlink41 27

Yeah, I felt a relative wave of relieve when I read it again...