By Anonymous - 20/03/2012 16:50 - Sweden - Nora

Today, I was walking back to my hotel from the town square, and got lost. I turned back and walked around town for an hour, freaking out and panicking. When I finally found the hotel, I realized it was practically a stone's throw from where I was when I turned around. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 223
You deserved it 6 939

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your internal GPS is broken. You need to push the reset button. No, I can't tell you exactly where this reset button is. Use your imagination.


When traveling, sometimes getting lost is the fun part. Imagine knowing exactly where you'll be at what time, totally kills spontaneity.

408trancejunkie 3
linkinpark98 23

I bet the people who were in the room next to you were wondering what the heck was going on. XD

Talk about having no sense of direction. U retarded or something.

RKD 23

That sucks! Have done that before,,,,looked for my car one time for about an hour, then an old friend let me borrow hers to go look for it,,,,,found it within five minutes!

magnetic_aura 26

I have a terrible sense of direction too! Everywhere I go, I have to double and triple check where buildings are in relation to each other. It's rough!