By imalilangel05 - 10/02/2009 15:08 - United States

Today, I was tutoring kids at an elementary school. One kid messed up my hair. I said, "Why'd you do that??" He said, "I have lice, now you have lice too!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 102 165
You deserved it 5 791

Same thing different taste


Haha, you were Owned by a little kid! (Really, i will kill myself)

What a ****** little kid. I'd find it difficult not to strangle him.

hawaiianxpunchx3 0

hahahahahahahahahhahahahahaahahahaha that reaallyy sucks!!!! its so funny though! is he retarded though?

What a little bastard.. What the hell is wrong with parents these days that their kids think giving other people a parasite is acceptable? On a related note, another kid was shot to death while sniping schoolkids with an airsoft rifle. Again, wtf? I mean, last time I shot a person with my airguns I was 8, and I got the **** beat out of me. Never shot a person again til I started playing milsim.

pb_fml 0

You should have ended the kid right there.

hahahahahahaha 'ended the kid' so cruel, but so abrupt and funny. his parents really need to be ended, and he needs a family that can teach him that lice need to die, not be shared.

Lice -- Its the gift that keeps on giving.

talkandplay326 0

gosh that kid is such a brat.

that really is ******* sad...that you havent had sex

What the hell has sex got to do with this?

Jmerridew124 5

That would be one of those people I like to cal "kickees." I have formed a special club of people I believe deserve a New Balance in the face.