By top dog! - 11/10/2011 20:05 - Australia

Today, I was threatened with suspension from school because of my nose piercing. I had to explain that it's actually a pimple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 472
You deserved it 2 934

Same thing different taste

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cdh531 0

I'm assuming you go to private school.

Suspended for a nose peircing that doesn't have a ring in it? Strict much?


Psycho_Babydoll 26

This right here is one of the reasons I quit school... Sure I was never the best student but my work wasn't TERRIBLE, I was a fairly decent student with average grades. But the number of times I was threatened with suspension- never for bad behavior, always because I'd dyed my hair, I was wearing too much eyeliner, people didn't like my black nail polish... The list goes on. Another example is a girl who got expelled for having a pierced belly button. It was only seen when she was changing for gym class, it's not like she went around showing it off. But no, straight A student gets kicked out for having a bar through her navel under her damn shirt. How do these things affect your education? It's schools like these that brainwash people into thinking that self expression is wrong.

A school shouldn't have any control of what you do with your body :) If it was me I'd go an get it pierced just cause I can!! But that sucks that it was only a pimple :-/

Lol, suspended for a nose piercing? Wtf? My school lets us have tattoos, piercing s, and even let's us bring pocket knives, and I go to a safe private school

Either way does it matter? Some private schools are a bit wacky but usually things can get by...