By superfkd - 15/03/2009 02:27 - Canada

Today, I was teaching a swimming lesson to 6-7 year old boys and girls. I recently broke up with my boyfriend so I haven't been taking care of my bikini line. While I was demonstrating how to do a whip-kick out of the water one of the boys said, "You have a beard coming out of your bathing suit!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 922
You deserved it 70 264

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Whether you have a boyfriend or not, how do you feel comfortable wearing bathers without fixing your bikini line? I cannot do that.

ima_krackerr 0


LoveToSmile101 0

I agree with #9 weather you have a boyfriend or not you need to atleast trim espcially wearing a bathing suit.

ir3n3 0

Lol. Thats sucks. Haha Little kids are so mean now a days.

haha, at least he didn't get what it was, but that a sign that says that you need a shave down there...

phunkymonkey 0

haha, kids say the darnest things, dont they?

newfielover123 0

Man, some of my old co-teachers at the pool I used to work at had that issue. All female staff were expected to wear shorts over their one-piece suits so that this problem and that of cameltoe/"skin" overflow wouldn't happen.

Mine made us all wear T-shirts in the water. Both men and women, which was fine, until it got wet...