By yupppp - 08/08/2011 18:12 - United States

Today, I was talking with my mom about getting my school photos retouched. I believe her exact words were, "They'll take one look at you, and charge me triple." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 165
You deserved it 3 940

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mom sure is sweet. Upside: those are half her genes.

How much "retouching" does she think you need?


bananaburger 0

Your mom sounds nice.. ;) but I'm sure ur photo will turn out fine

Just remind her you got it from her. That should shut her up.

Read that out loud and tell me what's wrong.

What the hell does "retouched" even mean? I mean if you feel that you need to be "touched" in a photo then perhaps we should not even captured you ugly mug on film?

same. wow you know you could have read choptoxcity's comment.

How do people not know what retouching is? Thus is like the third comment I've seen like this. It's editing out all the tiny little flaws to make the picture perfect. Lol

watch the stanly cup playoffs and tell me who won. USA USA!!!

^ is that george bush huffing a kitten?

I guess the better team won. 2012 is ours.

ShinedownLuv 14

Thats so mean!!!! Tell her when you look at her its like looking in a mirror so you have to agree!