By yupppp - 08/08/2011 18:12 - United States

Today, I was talking with my mom about getting my school photos retouched. I believe her exact words were, "They'll take one look at you, and charge me triple." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 165
You deserved it 3 940

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mom sure is sweet. Upside: those are half her genes.

How much "retouching" does she think you need?


littilm1019 0

Oh man I would tell her then you shouldn't show up they'll just say plus your mothers picture it'll be 10 times more

tkdprincess216 0

i know the feeling my mom says shit like that to me all the time. It's still ****** up tho.

"They'll take one look at you and charge me triple" is one clause, hence there should be no comma. Idiot. Learn English.

redfacedfreak 1

Geez, maybe she wasn't posting it so it was grammatically correct, but in the exact tense her mother said it. Calm down.

192: I love you, your username, and your picture.

kaylanicole1695 12

it's ok, no one ever has good school pictures