By Anonymous - 04/11/2015 18:26 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, I was suffering from acid reflux. I was told that drinking water laced with baking soda would help. Nope, all it did was create a huge belch that made me vomit all over myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 499
You deserved it 3 665

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Baking soda helps reflux quite well. If it didn't, it could be something else that causes similar symptoms, like gall stones or esophagitis. If the symptoms continue, rather than self-medicating or taking advice from "someone" (including me), go see a doctor.

damn I feel for you. I have a huge fear of vomiting so that is like my worst nightmare.


I'm pretty sure baking soda and acid don't mix well. Are you sure it wasn't baking powder?

Actually, considering one is an acid and one is a base, theoretically they should neutralise each other. This is simple high school level chemistry.

tantanpanda 26

It does neutralize each other, but the problem is, mixing NaHCO3 with HCl makes NaCl and H2CO3 which further dissociates into CO2 and H20. This is what happened and OP burped like what happens when you drink soda.

IndianaJoe0321 19

#37 is correct. That's why a person will belch after taking Tums or Rolaids. It's just chemistry.

#37 Ah, I didn't think of that. Still, I wouldn't automatically consider burping or gassiness as a serious side effect (although OP obviously reacted pretty strongly to it). From the previous commenters (including DocBastard XD) drinking diluted baking soda seems to be an effective and harmless remedy. Thanks for the input though ^^

tantanpanda 26

This is a perfectly fine remedy for an upset stomach, just not for acid reflux in particular.

I had the same thing happen to me as a baby and ik child and adult medicines are different but they prescribed pills for me to take and I got over it shortly I would just talk to your doctor I bet you'll be fine gl bro

I have acid reflux all the time op! It sucks. I sympathize with you for sure.

Perhaps the baking soda was cut with hard drugs. Who's your baking soda dealer, OP?

If it's a constant problem. Your GP can prescribe a tablet like Lansoprazole. If it's just something you get from time to time, mints help. Anything minty really. Mint tea is great. This is all from experience as I suffer from acid reflux. Best of luck!

I have to use the baking soda remedy sometimes (I can't eat canned ravioli anymore for that reason), you just have to take it slowly. Alka Seltzer tablets help too, they're pretty much the same thing but with less volatile burps.

Canned ravioli is horrible and no one should ever have to eat that!

Maybe you used too much. And mint does help. But as others have said best to check with your dr

Have you learned nothing from science class

About a quarter teaspoon with a glass of water works really well for me.