By hanzastfu - 26/10/2009 17:25 - United States

Today, I was spending time with my boyfriend for the first time in two weeks. I started tearing up and telling him that I feel like he never has time for me anymore. He responded with, "I'm hungry." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 781
You deserved it 9 309

Same thing different taste

Top comments

irishdancer 0

Wow. Your life sucks because your boyfriend would rather eat than hear you cry. Oh no.

I sorry. Sometimes my boyfriend has done this, too, although I think he's probably like that not because he doesn't care, but because he's not sure how to respond. Don't worry - just talk to him and hopefully he'll be a little more reasonable.



Haha!! sounds like something i wud've said ;)

Well, he is going to need the calories for the pity-sex. And to think your parents told you that whining wouldn't het you anywhere in life?

Shadow_vamp_503 2

Dump him. Immediately. and to everyone being bitchy, take a long look in the mirror. she wasnt whining, she was telling him a legitimate feeling. as for those sexist pigs who said go make him a sandwich, he can go make it himself, he's a big man. its not her job to feed him

Maybe try making your rare moments together happy instead of depressing? I don't blame him for changing the subject.

poetictragedy72 0

Sounds like my boyfriend. Good luck figuring out what to do with one of those.

Jarlais 0

why do women always have to get emotional and have the need to talk? why can't you just take life as it is and move on??

Jadie1 0

wtf i disagree with #119. that is ****** up. the girl got emotional because she hasnt talked to her bf in 2WEEKS. and thats not right for him to change the effin subject saying hes hungry. hes an ass trust me. dump his ass right then and there

ultraslick 0

#121 she said she hasn't spent time with her bf in 2 weeks, she never said they didn't speak. Even if they did, what's 2 weeks? 2 months i could understand. She has a right to want to see him, but to cry over 2 weeks? that's ridiculous, people live lives. Not everyone can spend the time they want with the people they want. She finally gets to be with him and instead of enjoying their time, she goes Melrose Place dramatic. You and her both need to grow up.

Go cry a river, build a bridge and get over it. God, if he's not paying attention to you, leave him. Your fault for being that stupid to date a guy like that.

Professor59 2

That dude is not your boyfriend. You just haven't figured it out yet.