By Anonymous - 28/05/2016 13:00 - United States - Atlanta

Today, I was so tired, I passed out at work in the middle of a call. All because my neighbor's car alarm kept going off every 3 minutes all through the morning. It was still going when I left for work. If you see a news story in a few days about a whole neighborhood beating a guy to death, that's probably us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 409
You deserved it 1 323

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Protip: If anybody needs a new car, I'd recommend finding out where the OP lives. There's apparently a car in their neighborhood with an alarm that is regularly ignored.

nice to see a community coming together


Protip: If you take baseball bats to the car and not the owner you won't get arrested for murder.

If the cops won't respond to the noise complaint, call and say you're concerned for your neighbor's well-being because the car alarm has been going off for so long and he hasn't come out to solve the problem. They will stop by and check on him, and inform him that the car alarm is the reason for the call.

Step 2- repeat however many times nesscary until desired outcome arises. Be Advised if this process does not yield desired outcome place potatoe in pipe and dirt and sugar in gas tank.

mrswombat 16

For some reason I read that as cat alarm the first time around.

meow meow meow mew mew mew mew mrr-ow mrr-ow mrr-ow mew mew mew meow meow meow

Was it one of those alarms with the different sounds? SMH!!!!

Just call the cops next time. For all you know he was being beaten to death and had his keys on him so he tripped the alarm in a desperate bid for help.

Did you try calling the cops? They will usually do something about it. If anything, it is a noise ordinance. Or someone kept trying to break in to it. Or maybe your neighbor was hurt and trying to signal help.

I thought that car alarms stopped after a few minutes calling the police is definitely a good option there was a story in the news a few months ago about a house alarm that went off while the owner was overseas the alarm rang for weeks and the police said they couldn't do anything about it but I think he got a bunch of tickets after he got home