By agstadra - 08/12/2010 15:24 - Canada

Today, I was sitting in a parked car. A woman was having difficulties maneuvering out. She honked the horn repeatedly for me to move, then looked me in the eye and called me a "f**king bitch", before driving off. I was in the passenger seat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 982
You deserved it 3 196

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You could always throw the glovebox open and reach in. Seems to scare people when I do it :)

Should have looked her in the eyes and fapped, that would have shown her.


rsolomona 0

what a DUMBASS that person is!! I would've ran out and eat they ass!!

maybe she thought you had the keys and could move over to the driver seat to move the car.

yeah, I don't see why that's an odd assumption to make. you live in Canada where it is cold, chances are the car was running or likely had the keys in it. move the damn car next time.

And what if they cannot drive? ¬_¬ Duh

Yes, because all parts of Canada are that cold, and that is exactly what chances are. And also, all Canadians sitting in a car must legally hold a driver's license and know how to drive. True story. Though, I've also heard that cars existing in Canada are a myth altogether, they travel by polar bear instead.

Actually we use sled dog teams - polar bears are too unpredictable and after the tragedy of '78 we gave up the practice and stick with just the dogs. OP should have just gotten out of her car and beat the bitch with her seal club.

I think #13 made a fair point. How many people drive without a license anyway? I doubt she would have been given a ticket for moving the car a few feet to get out of another driver's way.

As you two were close enough to communicate, it seems like you could've just told her you didn't have the keys/couldn't drive/whatever.

perdix 29

You should have told the driver to move the car. If you were sitting alone in a parked car, you must be a f***ing bitch, because you were probably doing something that is completely unwholesome. Drinking, smoking dope, diddling yourself, or, God forbid . . . reading.

Matt_192 6

I think we should burn this comment for it's mention of reading.

its* I think we should burn this reply for its abuse of grammar.

I think grammar Nazis should go read something else

She might be more used to people driving from the other side of the car, but even so, it doesn't merit the name calling she gave you. Also, based on how you phrased it I'm guessing you were in a car park, or parked along the side of the road, in the case of the former, she shouldn't have a problem if she's legally allowed to drive. In the case of the latter the cars either end might not have left her manoeuvring room. If this were the case it would've been nice of you to hop to the other side and move it a bit, however you might not be old enough to legally drive and been out on errands with a parent or something... She still sounds unpleasant though.

Hellooomindyy 0

Maybe OP isn't old enough to drive. Also what if she was parked in a parking space, should she really have to move out of the spot for someone who can't drive? Hell if I'm moving out of my spot for the next idiot who is driving what they believe to be an 18 wheeler.

MisterW_fml 0

I don't think you read my post, hellooomindyy, I'll bullet point it for you; Car Park scenario; - OP sat in a car next to a woman who can't drive. Parked at the side of the road scenario; - OP's car might be one of two accidentally jamming in the woman. - If OP is old enough to drive, it would have been nice of her to move it forward/backwards a little if the woman has less than normal manoeuvring space. - If that were the case, the woman could have got out of her car and polietly tapped on the OP's car's window and asked if she was able to move it or not. The other woman sounds obnoxious regardless of the situation.

Hellooomindyy 0

I didn't read yours. My post wasn't even supposed to be a reply to yours.

Fair enough, I was confused why you'd replied to mine with exactly the same info as if I hadn't said it. Sorry. Blame the comment bug.

Not really, though I must admit I have been asked similar questions once or twice.

But even if she WAS from somewhere that the steering wheel is on the other side, the car she'd actually have been driving would have been left hand drive, so the lady would not only have to have been amazingly rude, but also staggeringly unaware of her own car.

Unless she'd brought her car with her... And I suppose seeing as though she's driving it might be different, but I've had numerous cases of being abroad and wondering why there's no one in the drivers seat and then realising my stupidity. Maybe she just didn't have the realisation bit? Or am I being too nice in trying to think of a reason as to why she might not be a complete bitch?

I think you're stretching the defence there Cinn! ;D If the incident happened in Europe, I might agree with you, but how many people would bother taking a right hand drive car to Canada?

I don't know, it was a bit of a stretch, and I knew that as I wrote it. The only way I can see someone doing it is if they had like a classic car or something they didn't want to get rid of just 'cause they were moving to a different country. But, somehow, this woman doesn't come across as the kind.

Im sorry i just dont like your moderative personality to these FML's. You dont have to give an explanation on every damn thing that deserves a comment. If you dont care what people think, kudos, im just speaking in my opinion

Yes, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However I do feel the need to ask why you feel the need to tell me you don't like my attitude? I mean, the phrase 'if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all' comes to mind. But yeah, you're right, I don't care too greatly.

Much bigger chance that the angry driver was an American. They come up here knowing nothing about the country and act like we owe them a good time and throw absolute fits when they don't get the diamond treatment.

it's not your fault women suck at driving

Fortuitous 0

Hi there. I offer lessons on how to read between the lines and not just take things at face value. Just because it's the holiday season, you get one free lesson. Try to read between these lines. F/U/C/K/I/N/G_/I/M/B/E/C/I/L/E