By ohmigodimchokin - 19/11/2009 00:19 - United States

Today, I was sitting at lunch and started choking on a chip. I couldn't breathe and nobody tried to help me. Having to take matters into my own hands, I reached for a juice box that belonged to someone sitting next to me. After I could breathe again, they informed me that they had mono. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 119
You deserved it 5 001

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dixie_Normous 0

I dunno I think I'd rather have mono than death.

I too almost died from choking once but luckily I had my handy juicebox with me. The juicebox was able to make a small incision in my trachea and insert an empty pen thus saving my life. That juicebox and I went on to become the best of friends and we travelled the world until one day I accidently stood on him and he exploded. RIP Juicebox. I'll miss you buddy!


iTay 0
Lithiette 9

Mono is an orally transmitted disease that is passed on through kissing, sharing drinks, etc. It makes you very tired for a very long time, and could lead to other, more serious diseases if not treated. It also weakens your immune system so that you are more susceptible to colds, strep throat, and various other unpleasant maladies. I've had it before because I shared a drink with someone, but luckily my boyfriend has a superhero immune system and didn't get it.

Why are people ydi-Ing? Having something stuck in any pipe is hella uncomfortable, and someone at least could've reacted by helping and giving them an unopened drink or something.