By PEGASISTER FOR LIIIIIIIIFFFFFEEEEE!!!!! - 08/06/2012 21:30 - Mexico

Today, I was running late and couldn't find my purse anywhere. My sleep-deprived brain came up with the brilliant idea of trying to phone it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 455
You deserved it 5 053

Same thing different taste


Try typing the area code, it should work.

dellis44 7

hope you left a voice mail!

jaredofmo 22

No worries. We all think dumb things really early in the morning. "What day is it?" "Where the hell am I?" The weirdest is thinking "WHAT IS UP WITH MY ARM?" when you slept on it and the blood circulation got cut off.

ttinabean 3

At least you weren't looking for your phone while you were still talking on it.

True, I've done it. I even told the person I was talking to that I'm looking for my damn phone and I can't find it

I know. My friend texted me and said I can't find my cell phone!

kittenvks 11

Actually 59 that's a great prank to pull on your friends. I did it once, just send out a mass text to your buddies saying "I can't find my cell, could you call it for me?" and watch how many don't even think about it and call you! :D

Good thing your phone wasn't in your purse. That would've be inconvenient. Wait...

sidewaysponytail 0

If I were the purse I would've answered:)

mrtjawesome 14

i would wait until the purse called me. *patience*

Don't worry we've all done it :') I once lost my iPod and told my friends to "quick phone my iPod!" before I realised what I had said >_

Theres actually an app that allows you to make phone calls to an ipod, just letting you know.

There is?! Wow there's an app for everything these days :O