By PEGASISTER FOR LIIIIIIIIFFFFFEEEEE!!!!! - 08/06/2012 21:30 - Mexico

Today, I was running late and couldn't find my purse anywhere. My sleep-deprived brain came up with the brilliant idea of trying to phone it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 455
You deserved it 5 053

Same thing different taste


Aspen_Grace33 27

I'm dying to know, did it answer?!?!

mrtjawesome 14

in soviet russia, purse call you!

In Soviet Russia your comment is still stupid.

Sorry about the purse and the lack of sleep, but brohoof?

One time I was so sleep deprived that I tried to brush my teeth with a marker and hand soap...

13: You go do that; tell us how that works out for you... 30: I just imagined Dory's voice saying that lol because of your icon xD

That is an awesome idea... Make a purse that you can call and find? Never lose it again! :D

gloria89108 1

I sware I have done the same thing I have also stood out side my front door pushing the button to open the car ,pointing it at the front door !!! Blond moment

OP: *picks up the phone* Hello, purse.. where the hell are you? I've been looking everywhere for you... you're where? o_o ...under the couch?... Wait ill check... nope not there. =/