By Junktown - 07/07/2011 14:40 - Israel

Today, I was propositioned by an incredibly pretty girl. I'm a 24 year old virgin; she's my best mate's girlfriend. She tells him everything when drunk, and he's a black-belt in karate. This could officially be classified as torture. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 663
You deserved it 6 337

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Being a black belt means nothing anymore: schools give out belts to anyone willing to put in the money. go for it


CountOrlandu 3

man up and give to her good ;)

Him being a black-belt should have no bearing on the situation. Hes your best friend your douche.

be a man and decline its not that hard

Just sayin but if its jessica alba what are you waiting for!

o8poa8o 0

Karate's gay, and your obviously not his best mate if that's a proposition for you...

10lolo 4

Take the offer and fly to america.

So if he wasn't a black belt you'd bang your friends girl? What if she dint confess thongs when drunk? You wouldn't tell him his gf is a cheater and put him at risk of catching something? You're a douche.

Antonio0724 0

Not torture actually. Some latex has to be involved first.