By Anonymous - 24/10/2018 14:00

Today, I proposed to my girlfriend. When she saw the ring, she got so excited that she ran to kiss me and it flew out of my hand, over the balcony of our suite, and fell roughly 45 stories straight down. I could feel my wallet screaming as a £4000 diamond vanished into the night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 781
You deserved it 501

Same thing different taste

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Hello darkness my old friend.... This ring of mine is yours again.... As I watched it slowly sinking... The light of my ring was now fading... And the mistake was planted in my brain... Four thousand dollars erased... Within the asphalt and silence...

Mooglefox 23

You do know that the value of that diamond dropped at least 75% after you left the store, right?

You should never get married That was life’s way of letting you know

Imadumbass 16

This is why people don't propose on high places

Ouch. Sorry OP. But congrats on getting engaged

Ouch! I can't imagine. That's more than I make in a month. On the bright side it will probably be a funny story you two can tell one day. Just not...ya know, today.

Isn’t the general rule to spend the equivalent of 2 months salary?

I will never understand expensive rings. "hey honey, let's take this money we can use on a house car ect ect and blow it all on a useless loop of metal with some rocks in it."

Unless it fell into someone else's balcony, there is a chance it is somewhere out there on the streets. I have to admit that this could have happened to me when I was proposed to, but there would have been no chance of getting it back. He did it on top of a metal bridge (gaps as the base) on one of the tallest mountains in the world that is covered in snow. Mind you, he is terrified of heights and the diamond costed more than double of £4000.