By cowgirl927 - 18/04/2013 11:26 - United States

Today, I was on hold with the cable company for an hour. When I finally got someone, I walked into the kitchen to where it was quiet and slid across the floor, falling on my butt and losing my connection on the phone. My 2-year-old son had sprayed the floor with nonstick cooking spray. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 749
You deserved it 6 468

cowgirl927 tells us more.

cowgirl927 3

OP here. Hi. Just wanted to say that I am extremely overprotective of my son. The house IS baby-proofed. The spray is always put up...this was the one time someone(not me) didn't put it up on its shelf. And I wasn't ignoring him. This is your standard, garden-variety "I stepped out of the room for one minute" kind of deal. Most moms know exactly what I'm talking about. So chill out some of you.

Top comments

You must be that mom that owes him money. "You take-a my money, I break-a your leg."

Pranksters, they start young. Have fun OP ;)


You certainly didn't stick, Works! Sucks though OP, sorry... I know the feeling, trust me

1. How did he get the spray? 2. How did he operate it with those tiny hands? Most two year olds don't have those advanced motor skills! I know how it feels to wait on hold forever then lose the connection. It happens to me all the time. I hold for a long long time then, I hear "Hello, this is ******. How may I help you?" Then nothing, my phone goes dead at that moment from waiting so long!

Obey_StudBoii 23

I was thinking the same thing. There's no way a 2 yr old could have done it. There are to many people that post FML's that aren't 100% true.

Obey_StudBoii 23

I'm sorry but I call BULLSHIT on this one. There is no way that a 2 yr old could have done that.

one whole hour!!:O u must have a lot of spare time or a lot of patience, you must report the horrible customer service op. That side, always be cautious around toddlers theyre adventurous and mischevious- dangerous combination.

OP would have to get through to customer service before she can make a complaint..

BellaBelle_fml 23

Context? Please learn when, where, how, and what internet meme should be used in the future. You should also try to keep track of what memes are so overused that they just aren't funny anymore, and what memes are still relevant. Just a couple of pointers. Have a great day! :D

the only thing here that esclated quickly was peehaps OP's velocity. If that is what you are refering to, kudos. otherwise, 40, you disappoint me.

Watch out when you sit on the toilet now, he might have put IcyHot all over the seat...

Cintia07 7

Why does your 2 year old have access to cooking spray? You should baby proof your kitchen, just a suggestion :) I hope your ok!

Thank you so much for pointing that out. I'm sure this wasn't just a freak thing, and she would have never thought to baby proof if it weren't for this suggestion from someone who didn't have kids, obviously.

You hope her okay what????? The suspense is killing me!

hooligyn123 18

Two year olds get into things. It happens. Find me a parent who says their kids never once got into anything, and I'll show you someone who is delusional.

100, No delusional. Just absolute control freaks. And completely overprotective. I know because they are my parents. They used to pay 2 babysitters to watch me sleep so if anything happened it coupd be charged as a conspiracy.

thats your punishement for cooking with that crap hahahaha! (;