By cowgirl927 - 18/04/2013 11:26 - United States

Today, I was on hold with the cable company for an hour. When I finally got someone, I walked into the kitchen to where it was quiet and slid across the floor, falling on my butt and losing my connection on the phone. My 2-year-old son had sprayed the floor with nonstick cooking spray. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 749
You deserved it 6 468

cowgirl927 tells us more.

cowgirl927 3

OP here. Hi. Just wanted to say that I am extremely overprotective of my son. The house IS baby-proofed. The spray is always put up...this was the one time someone(not me) didn't put it up on its shelf. And I wasn't ignoring him. This is your standard, garden-variety "I stepped out of the room for one minute" kind of deal. Most moms know exactly what I'm talking about. So chill out some of you.

Top comments

You must be that mom that owes him money. "You take-a my money, I break-a your leg."

Pranksters, they start young. Have fun OP ;)


Must be a strong 2 year old, to hold down the button on a pressure pack can gets tiring quick.

You can very easily spot the non-parents in this section, lol...

Children are evil sometimes. I can't leave my toddler alone for more than a second.

My daughter is only 5 months old, can't wall or crawl yet and still manages to grab ANYTHING near her so I can understand how easily this can happen lol

senpa_kush 11

Aerosol pledge works really well too - the stuff that's meant to condition wood, not just remove dust. Did it as a kid - spray the kitchen floor, piss off my brother, then take off running knowing he'd "wipe out on his own" when chasing me through the kitchen. Was the only way I could get him back for the manipulative BS he used to pull, without getting in trouble myself.

randybryant799 20

I'm surprised that a 2 year old could even use a spray can.