By pissed - 04/05/2009 04:25 - United States

Today, I was on Facebook looking at pictures of my boyfriend, who was in his friend's wedding this past weekend. He said that none of the girlfriends could come because it would cost too much for the couple. I spent the weekend alone, and all his friend's girlfriends are in the pictures. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 158
You deserved it 4 972

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cooper0526 0

wow, number 5, she should do that if she's like 12.


Whether the cost was too much such that he couldn't bring a guest or he just didn't want to bring her because he wanted to be a *****, the point is that he lied. He should have been up front. This is only a preview of what's to come. There's no excuse for lying and you'd be stupid to listen to any excuse he has to give you. He's just not that into you and the writing is on the wall. Walk away now. When a guy is into a girl, he let's her know. If there were legitimate reasons for you not being able to come, then he should have fessed up, because if he's THAT into you, he'd want you to be there with him, and if you couldn't, he'd do his best to make you understand the circumstances.

Cost too much for the couple? This wont be an issue if everyone payed for themselves. and are you sure his ACTUAL girlfriend isnt in the pictures as well? and FYL for staying at home all weekend...get some friends sweetie.

he probaby just couldn't afford it.

kwosti 0

he's either cheating or wants to cheat. either way the guy's a dick. Leave him now if you can before it's too late.

any extra girls in the photos? you know the random spare female? just asking, you know.

when her husband comes back she should be dressed in a really slutty outfit and say "aaaaaaawwww you shouldve seen how many blow jobs I gave out... anyway how many chicks did you **** there?" thatll teach him

id0nTgiv3af___ 0

get over it and yourself. u probably didn't know the friend as well as the other girlfriends and its not like your the bride or grooms friend!

Aww i hate when that probably didnt know your boyfriend as well as the other girls so thats probably why.....

Maou_fml 0

Probably wanted time away from you.