By wallet? GONE - 21/04/2013 22:27 - United States - Pueblo

Today, I was mugged by a street preacher. The same one who'd earlier in the day screamed at me for being an evil sinner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 691
You deserved it 3 817

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe he wanted to take judgement into his own hands? Or maybe it was a facade so he could later catch you off guard. No one suspects the priests.

courtney680 17


Kristoffer 35

I wasn't aware that they could possibly NOT be hypocrites. THAT would be news indeed!

51, that's a bit extreme. The problem with churches today, especially Christian churches, is that we lose the message of love that we were supposed to deliver. Instead of telling others how much we believe God cares about them, many "religious" people turn themselves into their own god, judging the world by their standards. It's really sad that these ones are who we see, and not the ones who genuinely love the world.

DWT 18

Well, that makes HIM the evil sinner.

heyitsmekenny 4

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" ...somebody please tell Westboro Baptist Church this.

Why bother, they'll just twist it into something about you being an evil sinner or take you to court and sue you for "defamation".

Pullion 5

you should tell him that he is one of the greatest sinner

Maybe he was conning you and isn't religious

finch01 18

tell me you had some condoms or something funny in your wallet