By someone - 17/09/2013 16:38 - United States - San Diego

Today, I was lying naked on my boyfriend's bed for the first time ever. He glanced at me, then started playing with a Rubik's cube. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 585
You deserved it 6 917

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He might have gotten nervous. Don't worry, it's probably just a one time thing.


harrisoncohix 5

Naked girlfriend or rubik's cube? #INTJproblems

Any man who can solve a rubix cube can very likely take off your bra with a single finger, and definitely has the manual skills to get you off. He's just warming up!

What happened is he heard about the similarities between the woman's ****** and the Rubik's cube.

kaitlynnn95 10

Maybe he was just doing a warm-up.

RedPillSucks 31

The simplest explanation is always the best.

all i thought of was alfie deyes, because he can do a rubix in under a minute

So to sum up: ravishing the present participle not ravishing the adjective. Sorry 42. My inner grammar Nazi is satisfied and order is restored once again...

He wanted to break a mental sweat before his physical one.

Sounds like he likes playing with little toys

Espolax 8