By pictureperfect678 - 19/01/2010 02:06 - United States

Today, I was in one of two hot tubs with my dad at a vacation resort, when 3 good looking guys walked into the pool area. My dad moved to the other hot tub so the guys could hang out in the one I was in. They came outside, passed my hot tub, and went into the one my dad just moved into. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 114
You deserved it 4 685

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what concerns me more is why was your dad 'pimping' you by moving away? even If the guys went in your hot tub and started chatting you up in front of your dad tat'd be hell awkward! no?

sweetpea129 0

sooo, were they all gay, or are you just really ugly?


Maybe they all had girlfriends or wives or something. Or are gay as others have pointed out.

gobbledegook 0

id feel more comfy in a hot tub with 3 mates and an old man over 3 mates and a random girl. guys talk about stuff they dont think girls should hear..

with #18 maybe they thougth the tubs were different genders and when they say your dad they thought he didnt want to get caught

toxic10uhc 0
MF12 0

u have a cool dad mine would just sit there and give them a Glare

TheTester 0

Guys don't always want to hang with every unknown chick they come across just because they're guys. There's a plenitude of reasons why they would not choose your company that has nothing to do with you. Think about it this way, if there was a hot guy sitting in a tub and an older woman in another and you were with three friends hanging out after just arriving at the resort/a hungover/general tiredness and just wanting to talk about silly things (like videogames, cars, sports, work etc. for guys), would you get into the tub with the hot guy or the older woman (who probably wouldn't mind the conversation at all)?

Why is this an FML? Who the **** cares if they weren't into you. Get over it.