By Bailey - 22/08/2010 06:58 - United States

Today, I was in a public restroom with my 4 year old daughter. I took her in the stall with me, and as I was using the restroom she looked down and loudly asked, "Mommy! Why do you have a beard on your peepee?!!" Then I heard everybody in the stalls next to us laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 748
You deserved it 14 092

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ahahahhahaa. pwned by your child. shave your furry beaver. lol

collegegirl87 0

omg just because her child says it was a beard does not mean she has a jungle. children don't have any hair so of course they are going to be surprised. FYL and you don't need to shave 


takemytrollz 0

Since Trollz4daLULZ has been absent for the past couple of days... YDI for being out of the kitchen to make Trollz4daLULZ a sammich.

well I am glad that troll douche did return to his bridge. I bet he's just a 12 year old. and that sammich thing isn't funny at all. dumbass

takemytrollz 0

huh, I thought that it was pretty funny. I appreciate the constructive criticism. ;)

tinybear93 0

hahahahah that's hilarious ydi: SHAVE!

RawrBunneh 0

hahahaha wax that beard mamma! :D

cant pick your kids now can youuu!?? lol(;

oxoashleeoxo 6

Hahaha, just totally proves that kids say the darnest things. Gotta love 'em.

hahaha that's what you get for keeping shag rugs. go buy a razor

lidemocr 0

very very rarely do I laugh at these but this is downright funny... gotta love the little ones and what they think up!

that was mad funny..fyl..that's embarrasing !!