By Bailey - 22/08/2010 06:58 - United States

Today, I was in a public restroom with my 4 year old daughter. I took her in the stall with me, and as I was using the restroom she looked down and loudly asked, "Mommy! Why do you have a beard on your peepee?!!" Then I heard everybody in the stalls next to us laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 748
You deserved it 14 092

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ahahahhahaa. pwned by your child. shave your furry beaver. lol

collegegirl87 0

omg just because her child says it was a beard does not mean she has a jungle. children don't have any hair so of course they are going to be surprised. FYL and you don't need to shave 


why don't you just shave it.. it's not so hard and it doesn't take a lot of your time.. PLUS it's much cleaner.. ladies shave your queen!

vamplove9 0

Mary Mary quiet contrary, trim tht pussy, it's damn to hairy.

Wow you're whining about something funny your kid did. Of course the others will find it funny because it's cute. Quit overreacting.

xlildizzle1516x 0

lol But yeah this one made my day..but you know YDI for not waxing and or shaving..c'mon down shuga XD