By CBBP - 31/03/2009 15:35 - United States

Today, I was having sex with this girl I met in stats class when my roommate walked in. He started applauding and said, "$20 bucks for me! I knew you weren't gay!" Him and my other roommate had a bet. They are my best friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 89 875
You deserved it 8 760

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's hilarious At least you were having sex though, so I wouldn't fret it too much

LoL. Was she hot? Cause you should get brownie points for porking a hottie when your friends think your gay.


Was probably a joke lmao. Either way that's still pretty funny. Congrats to you for proving them wrong.

hahaha #25 - looks like this guy's got that technique sorted.

At least one of them was sure you were straight.

you should slap your friends with your purse ! that'll teach 'm

#30: I meant that that would be cause for FMLation even before this incident.

You my good man, are screwed if you hang out with those guys

ideclarewar 0

Have you ever heard of a joke? Quit your bitching and man up.

Dude, you were getting laid and your friends got to witness the greatness. Leat they didn't both think you were gay