By dfhgblsf - 05/04/2009 19:15 - United States

Today, I was having sex with a girl I had just met. After about 5 minutes in, she said she had to go to the bathroom. So we stopped and she went to the bathroom. After waiting around 10 min, I decided to check if she was ok. The window was open. She was gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 108 615
You deserved it 36 580

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have my doubts about this one. 1. Many bathroom windows don't open, and even i they do, they are way too small to crawl out of. 2. Are we supposed to believe that a girl crawled out the window of your home and left buck-ass naked? Wouldn't you know something was up if she collected all her clothes off your floor first? What about her keys/purse/etc? 3. Why wouldn't she just go out the door? This just makes no sense...

Wow, she actually used the window. She didn't take the front door route. That's intense.


what r the chances that ur room had a window the girl coiuldve jumped out...made up

sushiroll84 0

Man, that sucks. I had a guy do that once (not out the bathroom window, but the back door), and he e-mailed me THREE months later to tell me it was because he had a girlfriend and he started feeling guilty about it mid-coitus. He was e-mailing to see if he could get back into my pants. I feel for ya though...

goodness_fml 0

idk....u must have been hella bad...but the window??? arghh....i dunno...

Today, I was having sex with this guy I just met. His penis was really tiny, and after 5 minutes of boredom I couldn't take anymore. I told him I had to go to the bathroom and then snuck out the window bear-ass naked, leaving my purse behind. FML

wow you were that bad?? that really sucks...cus even girls would actually maybe just do it and not enjoy it... but she had to go.. wow.. sorry

I agree with #6 about the clothes, but i mean, if they took them off on the way to the bedroom that could be possible. and i do have to say that i have a full sized, opening bathroom window that it would be more than possible to go out of.

oooh_dear 0

did she leave all her clothes there? cuz i mean really...even if the sex was bad. i wouldnt leave some guys house buck naked. and it looks like youll be lovin your left hand for a while. go watch some **** and learn the good stuff.

Maybe it had nothing to do with you. Maybe she has a significant other and her conscience was starting to bother her. Maybe she had a traumatic sexual encounter in the past, and it triggered a panic attack. Maybe she felt explosive diarrhea coming on and she didn't want to embarrass herself, or maybe she suddenly started her period... Or maybe you need to pay more attention to foreplay.