By Spac3Ghost - 28/12/2009 17:08 - China

Today, I was having a conversation with my girlfriend about having kids. We were outside a hotel in front of those rotating glass doors. One of my friends ran at me as a joke, screaming like a caveman. I freaked out in a high pitched squeal, and tried to run inside the hotel. I ran in the wrong way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 628
You deserved it 26 314

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did we really need to know about talking to your gf about having kids??? FYL for being a dork

glasswater 0

This is a) not an FML and b) horribly written and pretty much unintelligible. But from what I can deduce, you can't figure out revolving doors, which is sad. Don't think about having children again until you can figure out how to enter and exit a building.


minenotyours 0

bahahaha! that's SO something I would do! lol actually I have... *blushes*

Am I the only one who wondered why the topic of the conversation was even mentioned in this FML?

Oh sorry just read the other comments, I was not the only one who wondered.

Serlenia 3

Aw, I think that's funny. I'd be worried if guys didn't have their moments of sqeaky screams. My friend does that all the time just to make us laugh. So it's nothing to be ashamed of. Yes it was embaressing but it's over and will be a good story for the future. Hopefully she just laughed and thought you were a dork and didn't think that because of that moment that you weren't good enough for her, because that would be stupid.

jakeidk 0

I'm glad you have a good spirit about all this negitive crap ppl are saying. and first is just about bragging someone got first comment and OP is you but I don't know what it stands for. I applaud you for you positive thinking and I thought this was a funny FML

Spac3Ghost 0

lol thanks =) it doesnt bother me =) they not wasting my time typing up rude comments right? =) haha it should even be an FML for them =) "today i wasted 3 minutes typing up a complaint about a complaint to......... someone who probably wont give a shit?" lol, was just trying to give people a good laugh =) sure i looked like a toss but most people laughed =) its good to laugh, but i suppose im not a very good story teller =) (i admit) and thanks =) lol at first (zero life)

this is the worst post ive ever seen on here. wtf is the point of it?

babyareyoudownn 0

uhhhhhhh i have no clue what this is about. how did this even get approved?! oh and im number 69 (:

hellmoto28 0

Well he wont be having children anytime soon now.

BurnIt2TheGround 0

thank you for doing this!! this world is a better place without your continued genetics in it

wethequeens123 1

it's an fml because his girlfriend and him were talking about having kids and right when she was talking about it he ran away from her screaming making it look like he was screaming and running because he didn't want kids