By The_Unlucky1 - 19/07/2016 03:38

Today, I was going to bed when a cockroach crawled out from under my pillow. I wasn't too afraid of it, until I looked away. It's hour two, and I still can't find it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 384
You deserved it 2 095

The_Unlucky1 tells us more.

Hey guys! Op here! So, Yeah, haven't been able to find it. I'm sending in my cats to try and look for it, wish me luck!

Top comments

It's too late, just burn your house down

That's why you kill those bastards when you have the chance.


Happened to me once... I slept on the couch for a week.

I lived in a neighborhood in San Antonio, TX that had a flock of peacocks. We never had pests of any kind...

No as soon as you see them you have to kill them. You can't just let them have free range of your personal environment.

If there's one there's more. I hate those things the most, good luck!

Don't blink. If you keep looking at them, they can't move.