By Tyler - 19/11/2011 08:05 - United States

Today, I was getting intimate with my girlfriend for the first time. In an attempt to be romantic, I tried taking her panties off with my teeth. I got a mouthful of pubes stuck in my braces. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 245
You deserved it 34 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I bet your braces must have hurt your girlfriend. I feel sorry for her instead of you OP. A large chunk of pubes rip out is no joke.


Eww get her to wax or atleast shave that shit dude or I wouldnt have been going down there in the first place atleast a bikini trim like eww come on !!

jsh95 0

The reason it's gross because hair itches the guy down there when having sex which is annoying, and the texture ruins giving oral to a girl

jsh95 0

Yeah I just find it gross because it looks nasty, nothing sexy about hair being grown down there, it's natural but razors were made for a reason and that is to shave!

contedefees 11

138: the texture ruins giving oral to a girl? Hair? There is no hair on the clit. Unless you are licking the outside of the labia (which is... unusual), the presence of hair should not ruin oral sex. Length of hair on the other hand may get in the way. Hence keeping it trimmed and tidy. But waxing or shaving it all off is totally unnecessary and most women don't just get rid of all of it.

jsh95 0

Umm the texture on your nose and face is disgusting.

You are licking her most intimate body parts where she pees out of, menstruates out of and all other types of bodily fluids come out of. Yes, that idea is disgusting but you still do it (if not, your girlfriend is missing out). Pubic hair is only a drop in the bucket and, if washed regularly, not disgusting at all. But hey, your preferences don't need to be mine. Shaving is a hassle down there and it looks pedo, so you find a girl that likes bald and then girls who don't shave go find a guy that doesn't mind a little hair.

squid93 9

I find pubic hair on a woman sexy and a huge turn on. I love to feel it against my face as I lick her to ******! The more hair the better!!!

squid93 9

I dont think its gross, I think its sexy for a woman to have pubic hair. I have never had an issue with it during sex or giving her oral!

You think you're being romantic when you take someone panties off with your teeth? Thats quite sad...

ChristyBVB 8

She's taking "no shave November" to the next level....

jsh95 0

Your not suppose to shave pubes in no shave November. That's why I don't participate. I hate having hairy balls

If they're old enough to have sex then they're old enough to have pubic hair.

Oh really of it wasn't supposed to be there why does it grow in the first place girls with no pubes show nothing womanly it's there to show that you've grown up and are ready as well as keep the smell it's like sweating you smell a lot worse without a shirt than you would with one

LeStab 4
hateevryone 14

why did you do that knowing you have braces in your mouth?


Jesus christ . She smuggling chewbacca in her panties ? Tell the bitch to do some maintenance ! As for you learn to walk before you try to run ! Someones gunna get hurt .

What kind of wildebeest are you ******* that still has pubes?? Tell her to shave that shit!