By Anonymous - 25/06/2009 08:34 - United States

Today, I was getting a pedicure and the woman sitting next to me asked the lady if she could take the skin she had scraped off my feet home to her birds because they love skin. She then describes for 20 minutes how her birds love to sit on her when her sunburn is peeling and eat her skin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 464
You deserved it 35


RazorbladeSmiles 0
everydayisFML 0

someone needs to check the crawlspaces in her house for dead people whose skin she used to feed her birds... this sounds like some psycho shit. after all, i can't imagine enough people would say yes to her or she could get sunburned enough.... lol

Wow, fyl indeed. And really, how did the OP deserve this?

AXavierB 1

Ew, what a nasty bitch. Is it even healthy for the birds to be eating dead skin like that? FYL for having to sit through that. Seriously, TMI.

tab_ga1990 0

I feel sorry for you, I would of looked at her like she was crazy. Now we all gotta watch out and make sure the birds dont start attacking us thanks to her.

That's effing gross. whothefck feeds their birds skin. creeeeepo status.

myfishisBOBA 0

That is ******* disgusting. FYL.

Islander_fml 5


trackstar17 0

im sorry for whatever your parents did to you

winter_2007 14

hahahaha thats a head shot :D

i can't even explain how creeped out i am by this. 'sgjdl;sjgd;lsjgkdls;. gross.