By insomniac - 19/06/2009 06:41 - United States

Today, I was finally going to fall asleep at a decent hour. Having insomnia, I generally get about 2 hours of sleep. Right as I'm about to fall asleep, 5 firetrucks decide to drive right in front of my house with the sirens/lights on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 311
You deserved it 4 737

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sure the people whose house was on fire were equally annoyed with this small inconvenience

God, people. I don't see where the OP is complaining that the firetrucks saved someone's life, she's saying that she had the bad luck of the fire happening JUST as she was finally drifting off. You morons giving her a hard time about it are going to be crying when she conks out behind the wheel and takes your SUV out. OP--I feel for you. Insomnia is horrible. I hope you can find something that works.


ithedarkknight 0

can i watch you sleep??? lmfao idk felt like saying that sounds weird but made me laugh haha actually that sucks just take one of those sleeping pills you need your sleep honey sleep is good for you!

soninlaw2be 0

guys, shes complaining about the timing, not the fact that the firemen were doing their job. yes, there was a worse thing going on for the person/people who needed the fire truck, but that doesn't mean she can't post this FML. so stop telling her that this was nothing, just because something else bad happened. Insomia sucks, I had it all through childhood, and finally getting some sleep is nothing short of a blessing. getting it taking away is like... torture.

Sorry you were inconvenienced by someone's house burning down/heart attack/being killed by a drunk driver/add your emergency here. I'm sure they planned that just to keep you awake. What a self-centered jerk.

oh so they should be polite and wait for your nap to be over to go save people's lives?

We all get cranky when we're woken up too soon insomniac or not. And kukopia, shut the f**k up, if anything you need two years of insomnia just to make you realize the situation.

This FML makes me wanna go to sleep. Last night I could hardly get any sleep and it reminded me of that.. I'm gonna go crawl into bed now ;] I'm sorry you have insomnia, and I'm sorry for the firefighters that had to work in the middle of the night, and I'm sorry for anyone affected by the fire. Goodnight, FYL.

Oh god, you people are still bitching about this? Yes Im am so sure the OP was pissed someone needed help and some fire trucks woke them up. Jesus do you even think before you post. It doesnt matter if it was a fire truck, a cop, a train, motorcycle, people talking, music playing, thunder, a dog barking. The FML is that "something" loud kept her/him from falling asleep. Does the post in any way say, FML a building was on fire so I couldnt sleep? You make me sad, it seems more and more people rather complain and insult someone before actually thinking abot something.

Today, I read the comments to this FML post and it made me sad and appalled how insensitive and heartless some people are. I hope everyone who told her to just get a nap or get some pills or stop being selfish will suffer from real insomnia for a month so you know what it is like and I'll guarantee you will be crying like a baby when a firetruck drives down your block just when you thought you were about to fall asleep. FYL.

lady307 0

u gotta luv #30! but i feel for you im one also and anything can throw you off when ur starting to drift and it takes alot to calm down and actually go to sleep!

Wow, its too bad that YOU were inconvienienced by someones house buring down, ya insomnia sucks but maybe you spend to much time awake wondering who else is going to F your life! Get over it and stop being so self centered!