By nerdlette - 15/03/2014 19:34 - United States - Newport News

Today, I was feeling really down and insecure after a friend joked about how small my boobs are. When my grandma got me to tell her what happened, she reassured me that all the girls in our family were late bloomers. I said "Really?" and she replied, "Oh no dear. Quite the opposite." FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 119
You deserved it 4 024

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't feel sad! Big boobs can be frustrating if you are the one who has to bear them. Someone will like them. :)


imkool136 22

If it makes you feel better, I personally don't care about Brest size, as long as you can actually see them. Don't feel insecure or anything.

Size doesn't matter, it's the proportion to the body that matters. Just like how an obese woman can never have good looking **** cause she's obese, or a skinny girl with a huge set that then puts her whole body off

why are you feeling sad? Boobs are still boobs, they are soft either way, big or small.

randybryant799 20

Getting upset over the size of your boobs is a waste of time.